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Corso di studi:
Corso di laurea triennale in Comunicazione interculturale (Classe L-20)
Corso di laurea triennale in Servizio sociale (Classe L-39)
Corso di laurea triennale in Servizio sociale (Classe L-39)
AA 2020/2021
- Briggs, Ecologies of evidence in a mysterious epidemic
- Briggs, Health Disparities
- Buyandelger
- Carl W. O'nell, An Investigation of Reported "Fright" as a Factor in the Etiology of Susto, "Magical Fright"
- Comaroff, Medicine and Culture
- Culture Bound Syndromes
- Culture, Illness and Care
- D. Uzzell, Susto revisited
- Danish Experiment, 1951, by Kirstine Høeg
- Deconstructing PTSD: Trauma and emotion among Mexican immigrant women
- Ebola's epidemy
- Fabrega, Disease and Culture
- G. Foster, Humoral Medicine in latin America
- George Foster, 1976, Disease Aetiologies in Non Western Countries
- Hacking, Pathological Withdrawal in Refugee children
- Hot-Cold Syndrome in Mexican and Spanish-American Folk Medicine
- I. Signorini, Patterns of Fright: Multiple Concepts of Susto in a Nahua-Ladino Community of the Sierra dePuebla (Mexico)
- Infezioni, epidemia, razzismo, violenza epistemica, Venezuela
- Kleinman & Kleinman, How Bodies Remember
- Koro Syndrome
- Littlewood: From Categories to Contexts
- Lutz, Emotions in ifaluk
- Marcel Mauss, Category of Person
- Marcel Mauss, La notion de personne
- Michael Kenny, Latah
- Okamura, Jonathan Y. -- From running amok to eating dogs- a century of misrepresenting Filipino Americans in Hawaiâ i.
- R. Ridington, Wechuge and Windigo: A Comparison of Cannibal Belief among Boreal Forest Athapaskans and Algonkians
- Razzismo, epidemia di colera, Brasile
- Re-framing the Ethnographic Encounter- Les Maîtres fous
- Resignation Syndrome
- Rethinking Historical Trauma
- Robert A. Brightman, David Meyer and Lou Marano -- On Windigo Psychosis
- Summerfield
- traditional medicine and bio-medicine in Tanzania
- van Bemmel, Derluyn, Stroeken: "Nodding syndrome or disease. On the conceptualization of an illness"
- Why do Indigenous Practitioners Successfully Treat
- Williamson, Thomas -- Communicating Amok in Malaysia
- Witchcraft and AIDS
AA 2019/2020
- Briggs, Ecologies of evidence in a mysterious epidemic
- Briggs, Health Disparities
- Buyandelger
- Carl W. O'nell, An Investigation of Reported "Fright" as a Factor in the Etiology of Susto, "Magical Fright"
- Comaroff, Medicine and Culture
- Culture Bound Syndromes
- Culture, Illness and Care
- D. Uzzell, Susto revisited
- Danish Experiment, 1951, by Kirstine Høeg
- Deconstructing PTSD: Trauma and emotion among Mexican immigrant women
- Ebola's epidemy
- Fabrega, Disease and Culture
- G. Foster, Humoral Medicine in latin America
- George Foster, 1976, Disease Aetiologies in Non Western Countries
- Hacking, Pathological Withdrawal in Refugee children
- Hot-Cold Syndrome in Mexican and Spanish-American Folk Medicine
- I. Signorini, Patterns of Fright: Multiple Concepts of Susto in a Nahua-Ladino Community of the Sierra dePuebla (Mexico)
- Infezioni, epidemia, razzismo, violenza epistemica, Venezuela
- Kleinman & Kleinman, How Bodies Remember
- Koro Syndrome
- Littlewood: From Categories to Contexts
- Lutz, Emotions in ifaluk
- Marcel Mauss, Category of Person
- Marcel Mauss, La notion de personne
- Michael Kenny, Latah
- Okamura, Jonathan Y. -- From running amok to eating dogs- a century of misrepresenting Filipino Americans in Hawaiâ i.
- R. Ridington, Wechuge and Windigo: A Comparison of Cannibal Belief among Boreal Forest Athapaskans and Algonkians
- Razzismo, epidemia di colera, Brasile
- Re-framing the Ethnographic Encounter- Les Maîtres fous
- Resignation Syndrome
- Rethinking Historical Trauma
- rituel thérapeutique et rôle des images
- Robert A. Brightman, David Meyer and Lou Marano -- On Windigo Psychosis
- Summerfield
- traditional medicine and bio-medicine in Tanzania
- van Bemmel, Derluyn, Stroeken: "Nodding syndrome or disease. On the conceptualization of an illness"
- Violenza della diagnosi psichiatrica (Spanish)
- Why do Indigenous Practitioners Successfully Treat
- Williamson, Thomas -- Communicating Amok in Malaysia
- Witchcraft and AIDS
AA 2018/2019
AA 2017/2018
- Kleinman, Eisenberg & Good, "Culture, Illness, and Care"
- Anderson & Kowal, Culture, History, and Health in an Australian Aboriginal Community: The Case of Utopia
- Andras Zempléni, sugli usi sociali della malattia in Africa
- Bartholomew, A sociological perspective on Koro
- Beneduce, Illusioni e violenza della diagnosi psichiatrica
- Beneduce, Martelli, "Politics of healing, politics of culture"
- Briggs & Mantini-Briggs, "Bad Mothers" and the Threat to Civil Society: Race, Cultural Reasoning, and theInstitutionalization of Social Inequality in a Venezuelan Infanticide Trial
- Chandler and Lalonde, "Cultural Continuity as a Hedge Against Suicide in Canadas First Nations"
- Gestação, Parto e Pós-parto entre os Munduruku do Amazonas: confrontos e articulações entre o modelo médico hegemônico e as práticas indígenas de autoatenção
- Kirmayer, "rethinking Cultural Competence"
- Kral, Postcolonial suicide among Inuit
- Lutz, Culture and Emotion among the Ifaluk
- M.-C. et E. Ortigues, Pourquoi ces mères indifférentes ?
- Ogbanje in Nigeria
- Ogunyemi, on Abiku-Ogbanje complex from an historical and literary perspective
- Platt, El feto agresivo
- Sachs, From a lived body to a medicalized body: Diagnostic transformation and chronic fatigue syndrome
- Translating culture and psychiatry across the Pacific: How koro became culturebound
- van Bemmel & van der Weegen, comparative study on the conceptualization of nodding syndrome in Uganda and Tanzania
- Ware, Suffering and the Social Construction of Illness: The Delegitimation of Illness Experience in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome