Francesco Ramella
Professore/Professoressa ordinario/a
- Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società
- SSD: SPS/09 - sociologia dei processi economici e del lavoro
- [+39] 011 6702676
- [+39] 011 6702612
- Chiama francesco_ramella
- Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società (CPS)
Lungo Dora Siena, 100A
Stanza 3D4 - 22
10153 Torino Italy -
- VCard contatti
- Department of Cultures, Politics and Society
- Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società
- Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società
Curriculum vitae
Prodotti della ricerca
Tutti i miei prodotti della ricercaProdotti della ricerca selezionati
Among his recent books in Italian: L’economia della collaborazione (The Economy of Collaboration, Il Mulino, 2019, with C. Manzo; forthcoming Routledge 2020); La terza missione degli accademici italiani (The Third Misssion of Italian Academics, Il Mulino, 2018, with A. Perulli, R. Semenza, M. Rostan); Fondazioni e sviluppo locale (Foundations and Local Development, Donzelli 2017); Sociologia dell’innovazione economica (Sociology of Economic Innovation, Il Mulino 2013); Governare città. Beni collettivi e politiche metropolitane (Governing Cities - Collective Goods and Metropolitan Policies, Donzelli-Meridiana Libri, 2012 with F. Piselli and L. Burroni); Imprese e territori dell’alta tecnologia in Italia (High-Tech Firms and their Territories in Italy, Il Mulino 2010, with C. Trigilia); Invenzioni e inventori in Italia (Inventions and Inventors in Italy, Il Mulino 2010, with C. Trigilia).
Among his recent works in English: A New World Is Open? Distance Teaching In Italian Universities During The Covid-19 Emergency (in Education & Emergency in Italy. How the education system reacted to the first wave of Covid-19, Brill, Leiden, The Netherlands, 2022, with M. Rostan); Italy at a critical juncture. Game changing crises for the Italian innovation system (in “Stato e Mercato”, n. 1, 2022);The Economy of Collaboration (with Cecilia Manzo, Routledge, 2020); Sociologia da inovação econômica (UFRGS Editora, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Press, Porto Alegre, 2020); The Economy of Collaboration in the Age of Digitalization (in “Sociologies in Dialogue” 2019); The «Enterprise of Innovation» in hard times (in “European Planning Studies”, 2017); The Innovation Paradox in Southern Europe (with Davide Donatiello, in “South European Society & Politics”, 2017); Into the Crisis: Fab Labs – a European Story (with Cecilia Manzo, in “The Sociological Review”, 2018); Sociology of Economic Innovation (Routledge, 2016); Preface: Creative Economy and Innovation Studies, (in S. Ruduit Garcia, ed.,Economia Criativa: Heranças, Inovações E Perspectivas, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul Press, 2016); Fab Labs in Italy: Collective Goods in the Sharing Economy (with Cecilia Manzo, in “Stato e Mercato” 2015); Political Economy (in G. Ritzer, ed., The Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Blackwell, 2015); Surfing between State and Market, for One Hundred Times (in “Stato e Mercato”, 2014); Society, Politics and Territory in Italy: What is Left? (in “South European Society & Politics”, 2010);Negotiating Local Development: The Italian Experience of “Territorial Pacts” (in “Environment and Planning C: Government and Policy”, 2010).
Temi di ricerca
Francesco Ramella
is a Professor of Economic Sociology at the University of Torino (Italy), where is Chair of the Dept. of Cultures, Politics and Society (CPS). He co-founded and was the first president of the Italian Society of Economic Sociology. He is a member of the editorial and scientific boards of the following journals: "Il Mulino", “Stato e Mercato” (which he directed from 2011 to 2015); "South European Society and Politics" and "Sociologias".
Research Interests
He has carried out researches on the economy of collaboration, universities and third mission activities, innovation, regional/local development and urban governance. In particular, on the theme of innovation he has been carrying out research on innovative enterprises, national innovation systems in southern Europe, the geography of innovation in high tech industries and the contribution of universities to regional development. He has also written the first handbook, at international level, dedicated to the sociology of economic innovation. The book was firstly published in July 2013 in Italian by Il Mulino, then in English by Routledge in 2016 and finally in Brazilian-Portuguese by Editora UFRGS in 2020.
In addition to innovation topics, he has carried out research on the following topics: the territorial pacts for development; the role of social capital in local development; the renewal of local administrators in Italian cities. He has also studied the relations between civic traditions, political cultures and local development, with particular reference to the southern regions and to the “red regions” of Central Italy.
Progetti di ricerca
- The Shrinking Space for Civil Society in Europe
- Il futuro alle spalle. Imprese manifatturiere e sistemi regionali della digitalizzazione: il caso italiano"
- Studio sulla digitalizzazione delleconomia e della società in Piemonte
- Realizzazione di unindagine a livello regionale denominata "studi sul territorio"
- Le-learning ai tempi del Covid-19. Le risposte digitali delle università e degli accademici italiani allemergenza sanitaria del 2020
- Lo Sviluppo Possibile - Il Ruolo delle PMI nella Società e nell'economia del Piemonte
- I nuovi imprenditori della produzione collaborativa in Piemonte
- Rispondere alla crisi. Innovazione sociale, pratiche di cittadinanza, cambiamento istituzionale
- Le-learning ai tempi del Covid-19. Le risposte digitali delle università e degli accademici italiani all'emergenza sanitaria del 2020
Cariche accademiche pro tempore
Direttore del Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e SocietàChair of the Dept. of Cultures, Politics and Society
Ricevimento studenti
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