Valeria Di Cosmo
Professore/Professoressa associato/a
- Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis"
- SSD: SECS-P/06 - economia applicata
- Department of Economics and Statistics "Cognetti de Martiis"
- Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis"
- Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Culture, Politica e Società
- Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis"
- Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Giurisprudenza
- Corsi online
- Corso di laurea magistrale in Georisorse e Gestione Ecosostenibile d'Impresa (LM-76)
- Scuola di Studi Superiori "Ferdinando Rossi" dell'Università degli Studi di Torino - SSST
Curriculum vitae
Prodotti della ricerca selezionati
Publications in peer-reviewed journals
Jonas Finke, Valentin Bertsch and Valeria Di Cosmo (2023)
Volume 177, June 2023, Energy Policy
Anna Alberini, Valeria Di Cosmo and Marco Horvath (2022)
Time on the road and the price of gasoline: evidence from ATUS and NHTS
Volume 108, July 2022, Transport Research part D
Winston Gilcrease, Valeria Di Cosmo and Dario Padovan
Trends of rural electric cooperatives in the United States from 1990 to 2019: An empirical analysis
Volume 166, September 2022, Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews
Anna Alberini, Valeria Di Cosmo and Andrea Bigano (2019)
How are fuel efficient cars priced? Evidence from eight EU countries
Valeria Di Cosmo, Seán Collins, Paul Deane (2019)
Welfare analysis of increased interconnection between France and Ireland
pg. 1-27, Energy Systems
Di Cosmo, Valeria and Laura Malaguzzi Valeri (2018)
How much does wind power reduce CO2 emissions? Evidence from the Irish Single Electricity Market. Environmental and Resource Economics, vol 71 (3), 645–669
Pre-publication version Replication Code Supplementary Material (estimation following Cullen's AEJ 2013 methodology)
Di Cosmo, Valeria and Laura Malaguzzi Valeri (2018)
Wind, storage, interconnection and the cost of electricity generation. Energy Economics, vol. 69, 1-18
Working Paper version (2017) Replication Code
Di Cosmo, Valeria and Denis O'Hora (2017)
Nudging electricity consumption using TOU pricing and feedback: evidence from Irish households , Journal of Economic Psychology, vol 61, 1-14
Di Cosmo, Valeria and Muireann Lynch (2016)
Competition and the Single Electricity Market: Which Lessons for Ireland, Utilities Policy, vol.61, 40-47
Di Cosmo, Valeria and Marie Hyland (2015)
Decomposing patterns of emission intensity in the EU and China: how much does trade matter?, Journal of Environmental Planning and Management, Volume 58, Issue 2
Di Cosmo, Valeria, Paul Deane, and John Curtis (2014)
Climate policy, interconnection and carbon leakage: the effect of unilateral UK policy on electricity and GHG emissions in Ireland, Economics of Energy & Environmental Policy, Vol. 3, No. 2
Di Cosmo, Valeria and Malaguzzi Valeri, Laura (2014)
The incentive to invest in thermal plants in the presence of wind generation. Energy Economics, vol. 43, 306-315
Working Paper version (2012) Non-technical summary
Di Cosmo, Valeria, Hyland Marie and Llop Maria (2014)
Disentangling water usage in the European Union: A decomposition analysis, Water Resources Management, Volume 28, Issue 5, 1463-1479, (
Di Cosmo, Valeria, Anne Nolan and Sean Lyons (2014)
Estimating the Impact of Time-of-Use Pricing on Irish Electricity Demand, The Energy Journal, Vol. 35, No. 2 , pp. 117-136, (
Di Cosmo, Valeria and Marie Hyland (2013)
Carbon Tax Scenarios and their Effects on the Irish Energy Sector , Energy Policy, vol. 59, issue C, pages 404-414, (
Di Cosmo, Valeria (2013)
Ownership, scale economies and efficiency in the Italian water sector, Journal of Industry, Competition and Trade, Volume 13, Issue 3, pp 399-415, (
Di Cosmo, Valeria (2011)
Are the consumers always ready to pay? A Quasi Almost Ideal System for the Italian Water Sector, Water Resources Management, Number 2, pp. 465-481, (
- Economics of innovation in the energy sector (ECM0271)
Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis" - Energy economics (ECM0200)
Corsi di Studio del Dipartimento di Economia e Statistica "Cognetti de Martiis" - Scenari macroeconomici (STE0134)
Corso di laurea magistrale in Georisorse e Gestione Ecosostenibile d'Impresa (LM-76)
Temi di ricerca
Valeria di Cosmo is an associate professor in applied economics at the Department of Economics and Statistics "Cognetti de Martiis". After her PhD, she worked for Gas de France-Suez analyzing electricity market behaviour and trends. She joined the Economic and Social Research Institute in 2010, and worked there as an energy economist for 6 years. Between 2016 and 2018 she joined FEEM in Milan as a Marie Curie Fellow. She has several publications in the field of energy economics and environment. In particular, In particular her work focuses on the impact of renewables in the electric system and market design, hydrogen and new fuels for the transport sector. She collaborated with the International Energy Agency and she supervised several master and PhD students.
Gruppi di ricerca
Progetti di ricerca
Ricevimento studenti
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Office hours: Wednesday 16-17.30, send me an email to get an appointment.
!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Informazioni tirocini curriculari !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I tirocini/stage per EACT curriculari (cioè da svolgere prima della tesi) che possono essere aggiunti al piano carriera hanno un massimo di 75h, ovvero 3 cfu. Si possono aggiungere ulteriori 6 CFU in caso l'esperienza di stage lo richieda in sovrannumero (ovvero questi cfu aggiuntivi non servono al raggiungimento dei 120 cfu necessari per conseguire il titolo). L’azienda e unito devono avere un accordo formale, per fini assicurativi. I moduli da firmare per ottenere questo accordo sono disponibili presso il Job Placement ( Lo stage curriculare deve avere valenza formativa e i contenuti dello stesso devono essere coerenti con i contenuti di EACT. Per questo motivo: 1) Andrà fatto un piano formativo per le 75h di stage con il tutor aziendale 2) Questo piano andrà presentato e fatto approvare (tramite modulo disponibile presso il job placement da un docente (o tutor accademico) che insegni una materia coerente con quanto si andrà a svolgere nello stage 3) Senza il punto 2) lo stage non sarà riconosciuto per i 3 cfu.
Argomenti generali per tesi (magistrale) per studenti che si laureanno nel 2024-2025. 1) Energy communities: pricing mechanism with electric (and hydrogen) storage. An application with behavioural economics 2) Just and equal energy transition 3) Transport economics and the role of hydrogen in electricity system optimisation models 4) Rare materials in the energy transition