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Anno accademico 2021/2022

Codice dell'attività didattica
Corso di studi
Corso di laurea triennale in Scienze internazionali, dello sviluppo e della cooperazione (Classe L-36)
3° anno
Periodo didattico
Da definire
SSD dell'attività didattica
SPS/05 - storia e istituzioni delle americhe
Modalità di erogazione
Lingua di insegnamento
Modalità di frequenza
Tipologia d'esame

Sommario insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

Il corso si propone di fornire le conoscenze basiche della storia dell’America Latina del XX secolo affrontando i principali nodi problematici  utilizzando lo studio di casi-paese al fine di chiarire le dinamiche interne (politico-sociali ed economiche) e le specificità di una regione tanto eterogenea all'interno del contesto occidentale.

The course aims to provide basic knowledges of the history of Latin America in the twentieth century by addressing the key problems of Latin American history of the twentieth century through the study of cases -country in order to clarify the internal dynamics (socio-political and economic) and the specificities of a region who/that is so heterogeneous in the Western context.


Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

La conoscenza della storia latinoamericana del secolo passato basata su una metodologia che affronta i principali processi storici in maniera analitica, e non su una rubricazione cronologica di eventi,e l'acquisizione di strumenti critici di analisi utili alla comprensione della  realtà attuale della  regione che oggi è attraversata da profondi mutamenti.


The course aims to provide students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of a region that is now crossed by deep changes

The course aims to provide
basic knowledges of the history of Latin America in the twentieth century by
addressing the key problems of Latin American history of the twentieth century
through the study of cases -country in order to clarify the internal dynamics
(socio-political and economic) and the specificities of a region who/that is so
heterogeneous in the Western context.The course aims to provide
basic knowledges of the history of Latin America in the twentieth century by
addressing the key problems of Latin American history of the twentieth century
through the study of cases -country in order to clarify the internal dynamics
(socio-political and economic) and the specificities of a region who/that is so
heterogeneous in the Western context.
The course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changes
The course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changes
The course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changes course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changes
The course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changes
The course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changes
The course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changes
The course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changes
The course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changes
The course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changes
The course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide
students with a knowledge of Latin American history of the past century based
on a methodology that addresses the major historical processes in an analytical
way, and not on a chronological list of events, to develop critical tools of
analysis useful for understanding/to understand the complex current reality of
a region that is now crossed by deep changesThe course aims to provide basic knowledges of the
history of Latin America in the twentieth century by addressing the key
problems of Latin American history of the twentieth century through the study
of cases -country in order to clarify the internal dynamics (socio-political
and economic) and the specificities of a region who/that is so heterogeneous in
the Western context.The course aims to provide basic knowledges of the
history of Latin America in the twentieth century by addressing the key
problems of Latin American history of the twentieth century through the study
of cases -country in order to clarify the internal dynamics (socio-political
and economic) and the specificities of a region who/that is so heterogeneous in
the Western context.


Modalità di insegnamento

Lezioni frontali con l'uso di materiale audio-visivo.  Si prevede l’intervento di esperti con conferenze su temi specifici.


Lectures with extensive use of visual materials.


Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

Gli studenti dovranno dimostrare di aver acquisito conoscenza, comprensione dei temi trattati e una capacità analitica e critica delle principali problematiche della regione latinoamericana.
I frequentanti potranno scegliere fra la modalità di verifica orale o scritta . I non frequentanti dovranno sostenere l’esame orale.
La modalità di verifica scritta, che si terrà alla fine del corso, prevede una prova con tre domande aperte (tre temi) su tre dei principali argomenti trattati a lezione allo scopo di verificare l’acquisizione dei contenuti, la comprensione dei principali processi storici e l’abilità analitica e critica acquisita. Ogni domanda sarà valutata 10 punti.
La modalità di verifica orale (per frequentanti e non frequentanti), durante le sessioni di esame, consiste in un’interrogazione con domande aperte per verificare l’acquisizione dei contenuti, la comprensione dei principali processi storici e l’abilità analitica e critica acquisita

Students must demonstrate that they have acquired knowledge of the issues and a critical and analytical capacity of the main problems of the Latin American region. Attending students will be able to choose between oral or written exams/methods of verifying. Other students other students will take the oral examination. Written examination, which will take place at the end of the course,consists of a test with three open questions (three subjects) on three of the main topics covered in class in order to verify content acquisition, understanding of key historical processes and the analytical and critical skills acquired. (Each question will be awarded 10 points) The oral verification/ examination (for attending and not attending students), consists of a query with open questions to verify the content acquisition, understanding of key historical processes and the analytical and critical skills acquired.




1- Introduzione: uno sguardo al XIX secolo. La formazione degli stati nazionali.

2- L’ingresso nel XX secolo: dominio oligarchico e integrazione nel mercato mondiale.

3-La Rivoluzione Messicana, le avanguardie e la crisi dello stato liberale.

4- L’ industrializzazione, la crescita delle grandi metropoli e la nascita di nuovi attori sociali.

5- Il sorgere del populismo. Il padre dei poveri: Getúlio Vargas e l’ Estado Novo in Brasile. Lázaro Cárdenas e l’istituzionalizzazione del regime rivoluzionario messicano. Juan Domingo Perón e il popolo dei descamisados.

6- Le relazioni fra America Latina e Stati Uniti:nascita del panamericanismo e Guerra Fredda.

7- I regimi militari. Il golpe in Brasile e i cicli di liberalizzazione e repressione. I regimi terroristici e la violenza in Cile ed Argentina. Il regime riformista di Velasco Alvarado in Perù.

8- Le transizioni democratiche: fra neoliberalismo e neopopulismo. I "redentori" della politica in Argentina, Messico, Perù. La rivoluzione bolivariana di Hugo Chávez.

9- Le nuove forme di partecipazione politica: i moviemnti sociali.

10- Violenza politica y narcotraffico.

11- La nuova sinistra: il riformismo di Lula e l’etnopopulismo di Evo Morales.

12- Verso il nuovo millennio: verso la decada dell’America Latina? Crescita, Integrazione regionale e sfide della democrazia.

1 - Introduction: a look at the XIX century

2 -Entry into the XX century: oligarchic rule and integration into the world market.

3 - The Mexican Revolution, the avant-garde and the crisis of the liberal state.

4 - The industrialization, the growth of large/big metropolis/cities and the emergence of new social actors.

5 - The rise of populism. The father ofthe poors: Getúlio Vargas and the “Estado Novo” inBrazil. Lázaro Cárdenas and the institutionalization of the Mexican revolutionary regime. Juan Domingo Perón and the “descamisados”¿¿.

6 - Relationship between Latina America and United State : the birth of pan-americanism end Cold War

7- The military regimes. The coup inBraziland thecycles of liberalization and repression. The terrorist regimes and violence in ChileandArgentina. The reformist regime of Velasco Alvarado inPeru.

  8-Democratic transitions: between neo-liberalism and neo-populism. The redeemersof politics inArgentina,Mexico,Peru. The Bolivarian revolution of Hugo Chávez.

9 - The new forms of political participation: the social moviments.

10 - Political violence and  drug trafficking.

11 - The new left: Lula’s reformism of Lula and etnopopulismo of Evo Morales.

12 - Towards the New Millennium: towards the decade ofLatin America? Growth, regional integration
and the challenges of democracy


Testi consigliati e bibliografia


Per i frequentanti: Tiziana Bertaccini, Le Americhe Latine nel XX secolo, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2014.  Per i non frequentanti: - Loris Zanatta, Storia dell'America Latina contemporanea,Laterza, Bari, 2010, Capitoli I-V (pp.1-96) Tiziana Bertaccini, Le Americhe Latine nel XX secolo, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2014

E' possibile sostenere l'esame in spagnolo e/o con testi in spagnolo.  Per il programma in spagnolo rivolgersi alla docente.

For attending student: Tiziana Bertaccini, Le Americhe Latine nel XX secolo, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2014 .

For no attendig student: - Loris Zanatta, Storia dell'America Latina contemporanea,Laterza, Bari, 2010, Capitoli I-V (pp.1-96) Tiziana Bertaccini, Le Americhe Latine nel XX secolo, Feltrinelli, Milano, 2014.







Ultimo aggiornamento: 02/11/2021 15:50
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