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Anno accademico 2023/2024
- Codice attività didattica
- CPS0746B
- Corso di studio
- Master's Degree Course in Economic analysis and policy
- Anno
- 2° anno
- Periodo
- Da definire
- Tipologia
- Caratterizzante
- Crediti/Valenza
- 5
- SSD attività didattica
- SECS-P/11 - economia degli intermediari finanziari
- Erogazione
- Tradizionale
- Lingua
- Inglese
- Frequenza
- Facoltativa
- Tipologia esame
- Scritto ed orale
- Tipologia unità didattica
- modulo
- Insegnamento integrato
- COMMONT CULTURE: JOINT SEMINAR (inactive 2023/24) (CPS0746)
- Oggetto:
Sommario insegnamento
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Obiettivi formativi
This module introduces recent developments of Critical Political Economy.
Throughout the reading of leading theorists, we will contrast the
invariants of capitalism with the specificities of neoliberalism, crisis
dynamics and the politico-institutional unfolding of globalizations. Some
insights about social, political and ecological contradictions and the
mutation of productive forces will also be discussed.- Oggetto:
Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi
This course will provide students with knowledge on recent developments of Critical Political Economy.
- Oggetto:
Indicative list of
1 - Capitalism in General
2. Neoliberalism and its Crisis
3. Financialization and its crisis
4. Frontiers of the Critique (1): Information
5. Frontiers of the Critique (2): Ecology- Oggetto:
Modalità di insegnamento
Classes will be given in English, in the form of lecture courses.
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Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento
The sessions are dedicated to the presentation and
discussion of a selection of books’ extracts and articles.
Reading the texts in bold is required, reading more is
better. Because the course will not allow to explore the
details of the texts, it is a pre-condition to engage with the
arguments. There are two options for the evaluation:
1. The presentation during one course of one text from the
Syllabus in 15 min followed by a brief written critical
summary (3/4 pages). If you’re interested, think about
it ahead of the first course.
2. A brief essay (3/4 pages) based on the presentation of
one original stylized fact (a graph) designed to
corroborate (or challenge) one theoretical insight
discussed in the course. The essay should explicit the
motivations, the technicalities of the elaboration of the
stylized fact and a discussion of its interpretation.- Oggetto:
Attività di supporto
Testi consigliati e bibliografia
- Oggetto:
BELLOFIORE R. (2018), « The Multiple Meanings of Marx’s Value
Theory », Monthly Review, 69 (11).
HARVEY, D. (2017), Marx, Capital and the Madness of Economic
Reason, Profile Books. chap 1. « The Visualisation of Capital as
Value in Motion »
SHAIKH (2016), A., Capitalism, Oxford University Press, chap 7. “
The theory of real competition”
PECK, J., & THEODORE, N. (2007). Variegated capitalism. Progress
in Human Geography, 31(6), 731-;772.
AMABLE, B. (2017), Structural Crisis and Institutional Change in
Modern Capitalism: French Capitalism in Transition, Oxford
University Press, « introduction »
BRENNER, Robert (2006), The Economics of Global Turbulence. The
Advanced Capitalist Economies from Long Boom to Long Downturn,
1945-2005, Verso, « Introduction »
BROWN, W. (2015), Undoing the Demos: neoliberalism’s stealth
revolution, Zone Books. Excerpt frop chap 2 « Foucault’s Birth of
Biopolitics Lectures: Charting neoliberal Political rationality »
DUMENIL AND LEVY (2011), The Crisis of Neoliberalism, Harvard
University Press, chap. 1 « The Historical Dynamics of
Hegemony »
PANITCH, L. and S. GINDIN (2012), The making of Global
Capitalism, Verso. Introduction
SPERBER N. (2019), « State Capitalism and the State-;Class
Nexus », Science & Society, 83 (3), p. 381-407.
DURAND C., M. GUEUDER (2018), “The investment-profit nexus
in an era of financialisation, globalisation and monopolisation.
A profit-centred perspective”, Review of Political Economy.
DURAND C. (2017), Fictitious Capital, Verso. (Libgen)
VAN DER ZWAN N. (2014), « Making sense of
financialization », Socio-Economic Review, 12 (1).
FRASER, N. (2015), « Legitimation Crisis? On the Political
Contradictions of Financialized Capitalism », Critical Historical
Studies, 2 (2)
2019-08-13 3
DURAND C., W. MILBERG (2018), « Intellectual Monopoly in Global
Value Chains », Working paper 1807, New School for Social
Research - REPEC.
PAGANO, U (2014) “The crisis of intellectual monopoly
capitalism”, Cambridge Journal of Economics, 38 (6), 1409-;29.
PEREZ C. (2011), “Finance and Technical Change: A Long-term
View », African Journal of Science, Technology, Innovation and
Development, 3 (1), p. 10-35 .
WARK, MK (2016), “The Sublime Language of My Century”, posted
on Public Seminar.
MALM, A. (2018), The Progress of This Storm. Nature and
Society in a Warming World, Verso. « Introduction ».
HUI W. (2016), “The Equality of all Things and Trans-Systemic
Society”, in China’s Twentieth Century, Verso, London & NewYork, p. 252-283. (Libgen)
KEUCHEYAN, R. (2018), Insuring Climate Change: New Risks and the
Financialization of Nature. Development and Change, 49: 484-501.
MOORE, J. (2015), Capitalism in the web of life, Verso, chap 7
”Anthropocene or Capitalocene?: On the Nature and Origins of
Our Ecological Crisis »- Oggetto:
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