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Anno accademico 2015/2016

Codice dell'attività didattica
Alessandra Venturini (Titolare dell'insegnamento)
Corso di studi
Corso di studio magistrale in Scienze internazionali (Classe LM-52)
1° anno
Periodo didattico
Secondo semestre
SSD dell'attività didattica
SECS-P/02 - politica economica
Modalità di erogazione
Lingua di insegnamento
Modalità di frequenza
Tipologia d'esame
Scritto ed orale

Una minima conoscenza economica e' necessaria per cui aver superato l'Economia politica e possibilmente Politica economica rappresenta un vantaggio per seguire il corso.

A minimum Knowledge of economics is needed, the exam of Micro and Macro Economics are a relevant support.

of economics is n

Sommario insegnamento


Obiettivi formativi

 L'obiettivo di questo corso e' di capire il dibattito Europeo sui costi e benefici della migrazione e le politiche migratorie. Si concentra sui paesi Europei come paesi di immigrazione ed i paesi della Neighborhood dell'Europa come paesi di origine. Esso copre i temi principali della migrazione e li costruisce usando informazioni descrittive e modelli in modo da capirne le cause profonde. Il corso e' diviso in tre sezioni ognuna che vale 3 crediti, per cui lo studente che deve avere solo 6 crediti puo' seguere le prime due e superare i primi due tests. In casi particolari anche la prima e la terza sezione potrenno essere considerate  valide per un esame da 6 crediti..

The aim of the course is to understand the European debate on migration costs and benefits and migration policies. It focus both on the European countries as migrant receivers and on the countries at the Neighborhood of Europe as sending countries. It will cover the main issues on migration and it will frame them by using both descriptive information and models to interpret the deep causes of them. The course is divided into three sections which worst 3 credit each, thus the student that need only 6 credit can follows and pass the exam after the first two units while the student who has 9 credits should pass all the units. Occasionally also the first and the last could be accepted for six credit.


Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

Lo studente sara' capace di capire, analizzare e contribuire al dibattito sulla migrazione avendo conosciuto i dati sul fenomeno migratorio, le fonti, il loro uso e significato ed aver appreso i modelli teorici.

The student will be able to understand and analyse and contribute in the migration debate by the knowledge of the data sources, their use and the model of analyses of the causes and effects of migration in sending and destination countries.


Modalità di insegnamento

Il Corso avra' lezioni frontali introduttive ma gli studenti devono parteciare ed intervenire. Gli studenti devono elebarare il materiale statistico e teorico che viene loro presentato. Le lezioni saranno in inglese.

The course will have introductury lessons by the Professor but student intervention and participation are expected. The students should elaborate the statistical material and the models that are introduced in class


Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

Un test scritto alla fine di ogni sezione con domande aperte a cui bisogna rispondere brevemente ed un piccolo lavoro individuale di ricerca che mostra la capacita' acquisita dagli studenti di accostare corrette informazioni con problematiche interpretative costitutiscono il modo di valutazione del corso. L'esame potra' essere sostenuto anche in italiano ma tutto il materiale sara' in inglese per cui i tests saranno in inglese.

Written test at the end of each section with open questions and a small paper where the students are supposed to match appropriate data to respond to relevant questions. The tests and the written paper could be eventually, with a written request, provided in italian but all the reading material and lectures will be in english thus the tests and paper should be in english.


Attività di supporto

Verrano invitati colleghi a tenere lezioni secondo le tematiche rilevanti



A-La prima sezione del corso spiega i fatti ed i dati con un approccio metodologico e storico. (WHO: foreign national or foreign born; legal, non documented; labour, family reunification, refugees, students etc; ) e le fonti di informazione disponibili on line e discute le diverse implicazioni delle diverse misure; (HOW: census, labour force surveys, resident permits, labour permits, social security data, etc.) e le diverse legislazioni collegate alla migrazione. 

B-Seconda sezione si concentra sull'effetto della migrazione nel paese di destinazione.

b-1 Effetti sulla populazione

b-2 Effetto sulla crescita e sul GNP per capital, Total factor productivity ed innovazione

b-3-Effetto sul mercato del lavoro del paese di destinazione

b-4-Effetto della migrazione sul welfare (social expenditure)

C-  Terza sezione effetto della migrazione nei paesi di origine in particolare nei paesi della Neighborhood

c-1 Effetti demografici

c-2 Brain Drain e Brain Gain

c-3 Rimesse e financial litteracy

c-4 Rimesse socio politiche



The aim of the course is to understand the European debate on migration costs and benefits and migration policies. It focus both on the European countries as migrant receivers and on the countries at the Neighborhood of Europe as sending countries. It will cover the main issues on migration and it will frame them by using both descriptive information and models to interpret the deep causes of them. The course is divided into three sections which worst 3 credit each

 A-First section: Data, facts. This first section is both methodological and historical. It covers all the definitions (WHO: foreign national or foreign born; legal, non documented; labour, family reunification, refugees, students etc; ) and sources of information on migration available on line and discusses the different implication of the measure used (HOW: census, labour force surveys, resident permits, labour permits, social security data, etc.) and the different legislation which deals with migration issues and define the amount of migrants. During the presentation of the data we will discuss the problematic of migration phenomenon and the decision of migrate and the policy implications.

 B-Second section: the effects in the destination countries The second section analyse the economic model of interpretation of migrants ‘role in the destination countries. We will start with the analyses of what is common in the debate by looking at the argument presented by the Suisse referendum and other more broad debate.

b-1 The effect on the population of destination countries

b-2-The effect on growth and GNP per capital, Total factor productivity and innovation

b-3-The effect of migrants in the destination labour market

b-4-The effect of migrants on the welfare state (social expenditure)

C- The third section analyses  the effect of migration in the sending countries with a special focus to the Mediterranean countries

c-1 Demographic effect

c-2 Brain Drain and Brain Gain

c-3 Remittances, financial litteracy

c-4 Social remittances


Testi consigliati e bibliografia


Sezione A Come si misura e cosa si misura.

  1. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Statistics Division (UNDESA), “Introduction and part one: concepts and definitions, United Nations Expert Group Meeting on the Use of Censuses and Surveys to Measure International Migration 24-28 September 2007, New York, 2007c.
  2. Lemaitre G., “The Comparability of International Migration Statistics. Problems and Prospects”, OECD Statistics Brief, OECD, 2005.
  3. Fargues P., “How Many Migrants from, and to, Mediterranean Countries of the Middle East and North Africa”, CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes 2005/16, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, San Domenico di Fiesole, 2005.
  4. EU Neighbourhood Migration Report 2013 ( )

  1. MPC, Migrants are smuggled by the sea to EU: Facts, Laws and Policy Options, Ph.Fargues, A. Dibartolomeo, Ph.De Bruycker.


  1. Introduction Philippe and Cameron at the refugees section
  2. European Refugee Policy, Pathways to Fairer Burden-Sharing, by Sachverstandigenrat deutscher Stiftungen fur integration und migration
  3. Alessandra Venturini, 2004, Migration in Southern Europe, 1960-200’, CUP.

 Sezione B Effetto della migrazione

b1-Fargues, Philippe 2011, International Migration and Europe’s Demographic Challenge, EU-US Immigration Systems; 2011/09, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute

Fargues, Philippe and Ashley McCormick 2013, Ageing of skills and complementary immigration in the EU, 2010-2025, EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2013/81, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute

United Nations Secretariat, Population Division 2000, Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations? ST/ESA/SER.A/206, New York.

The impact of a massive migration flow on the regional population structure: The case of Italy, Antonio Golini and Anna Di Bartolomeo, Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, Volume 2009, Special issue on "Impact of migration on demographic change and composition in Europe."

 b2- Dolado Juan, Goria Alessandra, Ichino Andrea, 1994, Immigration, Human capital and growth in the Host Country: Evidence from a pooled Country Data, Journal of population Economics, Springer, vol.7(2), 193-215.

       Alesina A., Harnoss J. and H. Rapoport, 2013, Birthplace Diversity and Economic Development. NBER Working Paper No. 18699.

Ortega Peri,  Ortega, Francesc & Peri, Giovanni, 2014. "Openness and income: The roles of trade and migration," Journal of International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 92(2), pages 231-251.

Ozgen, C., Nijkamp, P., Poot, J., 2011, "Immigration and Innovation in European Regions" IZA Discussion Papers 5676, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA).

Alessandra Venturini , Claudio Fassio, Fabio Montobbio,  2012, Are Migrants spurring innovation?, MPC Research papers, 2012-11.

 b3-Herbert Brücker, The Labor Market Impact of Immigration and its Policy Consequences, MPC, 2012/04

Herbert Brücker,The Labor Market Challenge Does International Migration Challenge Labor Markets in

Host Countries? A Critical Review of the Recent and Traditional Literature, 2011/21

Brücker, Herbert & Fachin, Stefano & Venturini, Alessandra, 2011. "Do foreigners replace native immigrants? A panel cointegration analysis of internal migration in Italy," Economic Modelling, Elsevier, vol. 28(3), pages 1078-1089, May.

b4- Allan Barret, Welfare and Migration, MPC Research report 2012/07

b5-Alessandra Venturini, C. Villosio, Wage assimilation: migrants versus natives and foreign

migrants versus internal migrants, Research report 2013/30.

C Effetto nei paesi di origine

c-1 Kupets O., The Economic and demographic effects of labour migration in the EU Eastern partners and Russia: a synthesis report, CARIM-East Research Report 2012/34

c-2 Alessandra Venturini, Edlira Narazani,  2012, Highly-Skilled Migrants in the Arab Mediterranean:Who, why and what is to be done[1] in print in IBTauris.

John Bibson David McKenzie, 2011, Eight Questions about brain drain, Policy Research Working Paper 5668

F.Doquier and H.Rapoport, Globalization, brain drain and development, UCL D.P.2011-9

S. Commander, M. Kangasniemi, L.A.Winters, 2003, Brain drain: Curse or boon? A Survey of the Literature, IZA D.P.809.

Bruckers et al. 2011, The Battle for Brain, FRD web.

Michael Clemens 2009, Skill Flow: A Fundamental Reconsideration of Skilled-Worker Mobility and Development, Human Development Research Paper n.2009/08.

 c-3  data:  World Bank,,,contentMDK:21121930~menuPK:3145470~pagePK:64165401~piPK:64165026~theSitePK:476883,00.html

 World Bank Migration and Develop Brief

Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Susan Pozo, 204, Workers' Remittances and the Real Exchange Rate: A Paradox of Gifts,World Development, Volume 32, Issue 8, August 2004, Pages 1407–1417

Labour market performance and migration flows in the Arab Mediterranean countries: Determinants and Effects, European economy, Report 60, 2010. Directed by Philippe Fargues and coordinated by Ivan Martin

 Remittances and the financial system

 Marta Ruiz-Arranz & Paola Giuliano2005. "Remittances, Financial Development, and Growth," IMF Working Papers 05/234, International Monetary Fund.

Aggarwal, Demirguç-Kunt and Martinez Peria (2011)  "Do Remittances Promote Financial Development? " Journal of Development Economics 96(2): 255-264

c-4 Social remittances

Beine, M., F. Docquier, and M. Schiff (2013). International Migration, Transfer of Norms and Home Country Fertility, Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming.

Docquier, F., E. Lodigiani, H. Rapoport, and M. Schiff (2011). Emigration and Democracy, World Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5557

 Fargues (2007). The Demographic Benefit of International Migration: a Hypothesis and its

Application to Middle Eastern and North African Countries. in Ozden, C. and M. Schiff (eds.),

International Migration, Economic Development and Policy, World Bank: Washington, DC.



[1]We would like to thank Frederic Docquier and Jean Christophe Dumont for making the relevant data available and Philippe Fargues, Anna Di Bartolomeo and Simone Bertoli for helpful suggestions.

Sources of data and preliminary readings which will be specified at the beginning of the course:

Section A  How to measure what:

1. United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Statistics Division (UNDESA), “Introduction and part one: concepts and definitions, United Nations Expert Group Meeting on the Use of Censuses and Surveys to Measure International Migration 24-28 September 2007, New York, 2007c.

2. Lemaitre G., “The Comparability of International Migration Statistics. Problems and Prospects”, OECD Statistics Brief, OECD, 2005.

3. Fargues P., “How Many Migrants from, and to, Mediterranean Countries of the Middle East and North Africa”, CARIM Analytic and Synthetic Notes 2005/16, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, San Domenico di Fiesole, 2005.

4. EU Neighbourhood Migration Report 2013 ( )

5. MPC, Migrants are smuggled by the sea to EU: Facts, Laws and Policy Options, Ph.Fargues, A. Dibartolomeo, Ph.De Bruycker.


6. Introduction Philippe and Cameron at the refugees section

7. European Refugee Policy, Pathways to Fairer Burden-Sharing, by Sachverstandigenrat deutscher Stiftungen fur integration und migration

8. Alessandra Venturini, 2004, Migration in Southern Europe, 1960-200’, CUP. Section 2

Section B What effect of migration

1- Fargues, Philippe 2011, International Migration and Europe’s Demographic Challenge, EU-US Immigration Systems; 2011/09, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute Fargues, Philippe and Ashley McCormick 2013, Ageing of skills and complementary immigration in the EU, 2010-2025, EUI Working Paper RSCAS 2013/81, Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, San Domenico di Fiesole (FI): European University Institute United Nations Secretariat, Population Division 2000, Replacement Migration: Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations? ST/ESA/SER.A/206, New York. The impact of a massive migration flow on the regional population structure: The case of Italy, Antonio Golini and Anna Di Bartolomeo, Vienna Yearbook of Population Research, Volume 2009, Special issue on "Impact of migration on demographic change and composition in Europe."

2- Dolado Juan, Goria Alessandra, Ichino Andrea, 1994, Immigration, Human capital and growth in the Host Country: Evidence from a pooled Country Data, Journal of population Economics, Springer, vol.7(2), 193-215. Alesina A., Harnoss J. and H. Rapoport, 2013, Birthplace Diversity and Economic Development. NBER Working Paper No. 18699. Ortega Peri, Ortega, Francesc & Peri, Giovanni, 2014. "Openness and income: The roles of trade and migration," Journal of International Economics, Elsevier, vol. 92(2), pages 231-251. Ozgen, C., Nijkamp, P., Poot, J., 2011, "Immigration and Innovation in European Regions" IZA Discussion Papers 5676, Institute for the Study of Labor (IZA). Alessandra Venturini , Claudio Fassio, Fabio Montobbio, 2012, Are Migrants spurring innovation?, MPC Research papers, 2012-11.

3-Herbert Brücker, The Labor Market Impact of Immigration and its Policy Consequences, MPC, 2012/04 Herbert Brücker,The Labor Market Challenge Does International Migration Challenge Labor Markets in Host Countries? A Critical Review of the Recent and Traditional Literature, 2011/21 2011-21.pdf Brücker, Herbert & Fachin, Stefano & Venturini, Alessandra.

C  the effect of migration in the sending countries with a special focus to the Mediterranean countries

 c-1 Demographic effect

c-2 Brain Drain and Brain Gain

c-3 Remittances

c-4 Social remittances

Preliminary readings which will be confirmed at the beginning of the course

c-1 Kupets O., The Economic and demographic effects of labour migration in the EU Eastern partners and Russia: a synthesis report, CARIM-East Research Report 2012/34

c-2 Alessandra Venturini, Edlira Narazani,  2012, Highly-Skilled Migrants in the Arab Mediterranean:Who, why and what is to be done[1] in print in IBTauris.

John Bibson David McKenzie, 2011, Eight Questions about brain drain, Policy Research Working Paper 5668

F.Doquier and H.Rapoport, Globalization, brain drain and development, UCL D.P.2011-9

S. Commander, M. Kangasniemi, L.A.Winters, 2003, Brain drain: Curse or boon? A Survey of the Literature, IZA D.P.809.

Bruckers et al. 2011, The Battle for Brain, FRD web.

Michael Clemens 2009, Skill Flow: A Fundamental Reconsideration of Skilled-Worker Mobility and Development, Human Development Research Paper n.2009/08.


c-3  data:  World Bank,,,contentMDK:21121930~menuPK:3145470~pagePK:64165401~piPK:64165026~theSitePK:476883,00.html

 World Bank Migration and Develop Brief

Catalina Amuedo-Dorantes, Susan Pozo, 204, Workers' Remittances and the Real Exchange Rate: A Paradox of Gifts,World Development, Volume 32, Issue 8, August 2004, Pages 1407–1417

Labour market performance and migration flows in the Arab Mediterranean countries: Determinants and Effects, European economy, Report 60, 2010. Directed by Philippe Fargues and coordinated by Ivan Martin


Remittances and the financial system

 Marta Ruiz-Arranz & Paola Giuliano2005. "Remittances, Financial Development, and Growth," IMF Working Papers 05/234, International Monetary Fund.

Aggarwal, Demirguç-Kunt and Martinez Peria (2011)  "Do Remittances Promote Financial Development? " Journal of Development Economics 96(2): 255-264

c-4 Social remittances

Beine, M., F. Docquier, and M. Schiff (2013). International Migration, Transfer of Norms and Home

Country Fertility, Canadian Journal of Economics, forthcoming.

Docquier, F., E. Lodigiani, H. Rapoport, and M. Schiff (2011). Emigration and Democracy, World

Bank Policy Research Working Paper No. 5557


 Fargues (2007). The Demographic Benefit of International Migration: a Hypothesis and its

Application to Middle Eastern and North African Countries. in Ozden, C. and M. Schiff (eds.),

International Migration, Economic Development and Policy, World Bank: Washington, DC.





[1]We would like to thank Frederic Docquier and Jean Christophe Dumont for making the relevant data available and Philippe Fargues, Anna Di Bartolomeo and Simone Bertoli for helpful suggestions.


Orario lezioni

Giovedì11:00 - 14:00
Venerdì11:00 - 14:00
Lezioni: dal 03/03/2016 al 08/05/2016

Nota: La data di fine corso potrebbe variare



Il programma finale del corso dettagliato per ogni lezione verra distribuito insieme al calendario il primo giorno di lezione e sara' allegato alla pagina del corso.

On the final course page you can find a complete syllabus of the course and at the beging of the course a calander with the content of each lesson will be provided.

Ultimo aggiornamento: 03/03/2016 14:33
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