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Anno accademico 2024/2025

Codice attività didattica
Sofia Venturoli (Titolare dell'insegnamento)
Corso di studio
Corso di laurea magistrale in Antropologia culturale ed etnologia (LM-1)
Master's Degree Course in Area and global studies for international cooperation
2° anno
Primo semestre
Caratterizzante, Affine/Integrativa
SSD attività didattica
M-DEA/01 - discipline demoetnoantropologiche
Tipologia esame
Conoscenza base (comprensione testi scritti) delle lingue spagnola e/o portoghese.
Basic knowledge (comprehension of written texts) of Spanish and / or Portuguese languages.
The course will star on November 3rd in H5, Thursday and Friday from 2pm to 5pm

Sommario insegnamento



Cancellazione iscritti ai corsi sulla piattaforma del Dipartimento

Obiettivi formativi

Where and What is Latin America? geographically but historically, culturally and politically? The course aims to provide students with an overview on Latin America from an interdisciplinary perspective, understanding and discussing different themes and approaches. Students will be introduced to some crucial questions and debates about Latin American history, society and culture. We will use a different materials including films, photographs, primary sources, people voices and essays tackling the complexity and heterogeneity of the region.   

Where and What is Latin America? geographically but historically, culturally and politically? The course aims to provide students with an overview on Latin America from an interdisciplinary perspective, understanding and discussing different themes and approaches. Students will be introduced to some crucial questions and debates about Latin American history, society and culture. We will use a different materials including films, photographs, primary sources, people voices and essays tackling the complexity and heterogeneity of the region.  


Risultati dell'apprendimento attesi

At the end of the course, students should be able to address in a critical manner the various approaches and topics about of Latin American Studies in a interdisciplinary way. 

At the end of the course, students should be able to address in a critical manner the various approaches and topics about of Latin American Studies in a interdisciplinary way. 



This course is an introduction to Latin America. Our efforts will be the understanding of Latin American culture and society from an interdisciplinary perspective: History, Anthropology, Politics, Sociology and so on. We will look at some major themes such as relationships between the colonial encounters, U.S and L.A. relationships, Latinos diasporas, Gender, Race, Feminisms, Social and Indigenous movements and others. We range in time from 1492 (and before) to the present.

This course is an introduction to Latin America. Our efforts will be the understanding of Latin American culture and society from an interdisciplinary perspective: History, Anthropology, Politics, Sociology and so on. We will look at some major themes such as relationships between the colonial encounters, U.S and L.A. relationships, Latinos diasporas, Gender, Race, Feminisms, Social and Indigenous movements and others. We range in time from 1492 (and before) to the present.


Modalità di insegnamento

In addition to classroom lectures with .ppt presentations, movie and papers discussion which will be available online, students attending the course will be asked to participate in guided readings and discussions. The course will be designed and developed following open, collaborative and participatory educational practices. 

Knowledge of Spanish and/or Portuguese is strongly recommended for attending the course.

In addition to classroom lectures with .ppt presentations, movie and papers discussion which will be available online, students attending the course will be asked to participate in guided readings and discussions. The course will be designed and developed following open, collaborative and participatory educational practices. 

Knowledge of Spanish and/or Portuguese is strongly recommended for attending the course.


Modalità di verifica dell'apprendimento

Evaluation will be based on student participation in classroom discussions, workgroups participation, and on presentation based on texts or researches produced during the course. Auto and reciprocal evaluation will be promoted among the sudents. 

Students will also sit an oral examination on the understanding and critical analysis of 3 books from the following references.

Students will be free to propose alternative readings (for PART II), by previous agreement with the teacher.

Students will be evaluated on their capacity of discussing thems proposed in class, and the ability to connect them with the main contents of the books; ability to express themeselves with critical thinking and theoretical rigor. 

International and Erasmus students may prepare for examinations and take them in English, Spanish or Portuguese.

Evaluation will be based on student participation in classroom discussions, workgroups participation, and on presentation based on texts or researches produced during the course. Auto and reciprocal evaluation will be promoted among the sudents. 

Students will also sit an oral examination on the understanding and critical analysis of 3 books from the following references.

Students will be free to propose alternative readings (for PART II), by previous agreement with the teacher.

Students will be evaluated on their capacity of discussing thems proposed in class, and the ability to connect them with the main contents of the books; ability to express themeselves with critical thinking and theoretical rigor. 

International and Erasmus students may prepare for examinations and take them in English, Spanish or Portuguese.


Attività di supporto

Office hours dedicated to students is the main support activity, together with the course moodle.

Office hours dedicated to students takes place on Thursday or Wednesday from 10am to 1pm, please always consult the "Office Hours" section on the teacher's page before coming, for any changes in time or day.

Testi consigliati e bibliografia


PART I Both Books are mandatory:

PART II Choose one book among the following: 

  • Blackwell Maylei, 2011, ¡Chicana Power!: Contested Histories of Feminism in the Chicano Movement, University of Texas Press.
  • Casagrande Olivia, 2022, Performing the jumbled city. Subversive aesthetics and anticolonial indigeneity in Santiago de Chile, Manchester University Press.  
  • McCaughan, Edward J., Art and Social, 2012, Movements: Cultural Politics in Mexico and Aztlán, Durham: Duke University Press.
  • Santos-Granero Fernando, 2018, Slavery and Utopia, The Wars and Dreams of an Amazonian World Transformer, University of Texas Press. 
  • SMITHCHRISTEN A., LORRAINE LEU, 2023, Black Feminist Constellations: Dialogue and Translation across the Americas, University of Texas Press.  


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